Do you want to amaze your friends and family with a cool basketball trick? In less than three minutes, you can learn how to spin a basketball on your finger! It is really easy to do, needs no special equipment, and once you get the hang of it, you will be able to show off your skills at parties or during halftime shows. In this how-to guide, we will teach you everything you need to know about spinning a basketball on your finger. Let’s get started! If you follow the below hints, you will soon be able to impress your friends with your stable spin and look like the Harlem Globetrotters to them!
What is required to spin a basketball on your finger
A ball (of course)
All you need is a basketball and your finger! If you do not have a basketball, any other type of ball will work just as well. For example, you can use a volleyball, soccer ball, or even a Nerf ball. Just make sure that, at least for the beginning, it is not a brand new ball but rather an older basketball. We will explain below why (hint: better grip)
A proper surface
Once you have gathered your supplies, find a hard surface on which to practice. A tile floor or a driveway are both good options. If you are indoors, you can use a hardwood floor or a kitchen counter. Just make sure that the surface is not too slippery so that you got a firm standing position and you do not lose control of your feet easily.
The steps involved in spinning a basketball on your finger

Don’t omit the warm up!
Before you start spinning the ball on your finger, it is important to warm up. Warming up will help prevent injury and increase blood flow to your fingers. To warm up, simply massage your fingers and hands for a minute or two.
Get in position
Now that you are warmed up, it is time to get in position. To do this, hold the ball in your nondominant hand and place your dominant hand underneath it. Your fingers should be spread out and positioned so that they are evenly distributed around the ball.
Start slow
Once you are in position, make an upwards ball toss and slowly start to rotate the ball on your finger. At first, you will only be able to rotate the ball a few times before it falls off. That’s okay! Just keep practicing and soon you will be able to rotate the ball perfectly and faster and for longer periods of time.
Next: speed up
As you get more comfortable spinning the ball, you can start to rotate it faster. Remember to keep your fingers spread out and to rotate the ball straight and evenly. If you start to spin the ball too fast, it will likely lose momentum and fall off your finger.
Finally: add some flair!
Now that you have mastered the basics of how to spin a basketball on your finger, it is time to add some flair! You can do this by changing the way you hold the ball or by adding spin tricks. For example, try holding the ball in your palm and then flipping it onto your finger. Or, try spinning the ball on your finger while also bouncing it off the ground. The possibilities are endless!
With a little practice, you will be able to show off your newly acquired skills to all your friends.

As you become more comfortable with this trick, you can try different variations. For example, you can try showing off a spinning ball on your pinky finger or even on two fingers at the same time. Or instead of using a two-handed spin, you can practice a one-handed spin. The sky is the limit!
The top tutorial videos on how to spin a basketball on your Finger
Initially, I thought that I should also create a video with the above instructions. But what is the reason for it, since on YouTube there are already some great videos on this topic. However, there are also some crappy ones, that just say “spin the ball” and that’s all.
For this reason, I watched some of the top videos on how to spin a basketball on your finger, and I provide you with a curated list of the most explanatory ones below. Enjoy!
Coach Nick:
Dexton Crutchfield:
Tips and tricks for spinning a basketball on your finger
Stretch before you start

As with any physical activity, it is important to stretch before you start spinning the ball. This will help prevent injury and increase blood flow to your fingers. Do also some wrist rolls to make sure that you gain the required flexibility
Use Your Dominant Hand
Use your dominant hand: It is easier to spin the ball if you use your dominant hand. If you are right-handed, hold the ball in your left hand and spin it on your right and vice versa.
Use your index finger
Use your index finger: Place your dominant hand underneath the ball and use your index finger to spin the ball on it. Some people also use the middle finger, but the index is the finger most people control better
Use both hands to throw the ball into the air
At least until you master ball spinning, use a two-handed spin for the initial spin. The two handed method is also how most people naturally spin a basketball. This is how you do it: Place the ball in your non-dominant hand. Use your dominant hand to grab the ball from the top and bottom. Now, lift both hands above your head and quickly snap them down to generate a good straight rotation on the ball. As you gain experience and this becomes second nature to you, you may also try a one-handed spin instead.
Start with small rotations
Start with small rotations: When you first start spinning the ball, make small rotations. This will help you get a feel for how the ball spins and how much pressure to apply for a consistent spin. As you become more comfortable and achieve constantly a good steady spin, you can increase the size of your rotations.
Don’t use a brand new basketball
It is best to use an old basketball that is already broken in. A new basketball is too slick and will be more difficult to spin. An old basketball will also be easier to grip.
Cut your nails

Make sure your nails are cut short. Long nails will make it difficult to grip the ball and may cause the ball to slip
Clear some space around you
Spinning a basketball can be addictive, so make sure you have some clear space around you before you start. You don’t want to accidentally hit someone or something while you are spinning!
Find and use the spot where all the ball stitches meet
The easiest way to spin a basketball is to find the spot on the ball where all the seams come together. This is usually somewhere near the center of the ball. Once you have found this spot, place your finger on it and start spinning!
Level the ball with your face when you spin it
A good way to make sure the ball is level when you spin it is to hold it above the chest level, at eye level. This will help you keep the ball steady and also give you a good view of how it is spinning.
Your palm should be looking the opposite of your body
This is how you achieve the perfect spin. When your palm is facing the opposite direction from your body, it provides more resistance to the ball and makes it spin faster.
The benefits of spinning a basketball on your finger
It may seem like a silly thing to do, but there are some benefits to spinning a basketball on your finger!
- It can help improve your coordination: This is because spinning a basketball requires you to use both hands and coordinate them in order to keep the ball spinning.
- It can help relieve stress: Spinning a basketball can be therapeutic and fun and help you to focus on something other than whatever is causing you stress.
- It can help increase your hand strength: Obviously, the more you spin the ball, the stronger your hands will become. This is because spinning a basketball requires a good amount of grip strength.
- It can help impress your teammates: If you are on a basketball team, being able to spin the ball on your finger is a great way to show off your skills to other basketball players before the match! It will also make you more popular with your teammates.

How do you spin a basketball on one finger?
To spin a basketball on one finger, simply place your finger on the spot where all the seams come together and start spinning!
How hard is it to spin a basketball?
It is not hard to spin a basketball if you follow the steps in this guide. Just make sure you use an old basketball that is already broken in and start with small rotations. You will be spinning like a pro in no time!
Why can’t I spin a ball on my finger?
There could be a few reasons why you can’t spin a ball on your finger. It could be that your nails are too long, or that you are using a brand new basketball that is too slick. Try following the tips in this guide and you should be spinning in no time!
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